Project:Rooftop pays tribute to the superheroes and villains we know and love while giving up-and-coming creators a forum to show their work ... and costume whores like myself something to lust after.
There's a call for submissions for their upcoming Batman Fan-Art Friday. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, September 25 at 8am Eastern time. Email your images to projectrooftop@gmail.com.
Just so you know the kind of pimping out Batman's in for, here's Anjin Anhut‘s winning design for their 2009 Batman: Dynamic Do-Over contest.
If anyone out there ever needs some PR & Marketing for a superhero design gallery show or museum installation, you got to give me a call. By the power of Greyskull-knowing is half the battle-there can be only one!!!! (I think the Highlander is a superhero and I won't take no guff for it.)