Project:Rooftop is pretty friggin' neat. The site is a superhero fashion site that promotes superhero costume redesigning as a skill. (And anyone who still wishes she had gotten to be She-Ra for Halloween and may do it this year totally understands.)
Project:Rooftop pays tribute to the superheroes and villains we know and love while giving up-and-coming creators a forum to show their work ... and costume whores like myself something to lust after.
There's a call for submissions for their upcoming Batman Fan-Art Friday. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, September 25 at 8am Eastern time. Email your images to
Just so you know the kind of pimping out Batman's in for, here's Anjin Anhut‘s winning design for their 2009 Batman: Dynamic Do-Over contest.
If anyone out there ever needs some PR & Marketing for a superhero design gallery show or museum installation, you got to give me a call. By the power of Greyskull-knowing is half the battle-there can be only one!!!! (I think the Highlander is a superhero and I won't take no guff for it.)