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Friday, August 10, 2012

NYC Non-Profit $200k Grant Challenge Deadline on Aug. 15th!

This is a great opportunity for non-profits in the NYC area and if you have an organization you must take advantage of it!!

21st Century Solutions is a local grant challenge for nonprofit organizations that are working towards improving their community with new and innovative programs. Local nonprofit organizations have a unique opportunity to win up to $200,000 in grant money.

The deadline for the grant is August 15. The winner will receive a $100,000 grant and two runners-up will each receive $50,000.

Offered through NBCUniversal, the grant challenge is open to eligible 501(c)(3) organizations around the tri-state that are less than three years old. These organizations can work in a variety of areas, including arts and media, civic engagement, community development, education and the environment. Any group with a fresh way of addressing problems is encouraged to apply.

For more information, please visit the 21st Century Solutions page.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

National Book Lovers Day is Today! Aug. 9

Book Cover Art
Always a special place in my heart for this book and this cover
There are days for so many things I simply have no interest in - like National Polka Day, Play in the Sand Day, Spumoni Day, etc. I'm not making these up, someone actually went through the trouble of making days for these things. To be clear, I have no problem with these things, I just don't really see why they need whole days devoted to them.

This is why I'm happy to know about August 9th - National Book Lovers Day!

I will not lie. When Kindles first came out, I was all sorts of against them. I was determined not to loose the joy I get from smelling old pages, getting lost for hours in book stores, and turning back covers of tacky books so no one on the subway could see what I was reading.

However, I quickly learned that Kindles didn't mean I had to loose what I loved, it just meant that I could be sure that I was NEVER without a book. I could do both printed books and digital books. Be all bi-readual... or something.

Anyhooo, back to National Book Lovers Day. Celebrate your love of books tomorrow by hustling to your local bookstore and snapping up something you've always wanted to read OR checking out some of the great sites offering free eBooks like the fabulous ManyBooks.net and Project Gutenberg!

Happy Reading Everyone!!